Saturday, January 11, 2014

Waxy "Ended"

This is my final project called waxy beginning.  I didnt have to put much though into this project because it was the final and I only had 2 days to do it. All I did was poor wax into a glove, and waited for it to dry. After that I ripped the glove off and cut some of the weird parts off. Then I put some labels on the box, including a warning label. This project was kind of sad because it was the last. Thanks for reading.

Friday, January 3, 2014


This is my origami repetition project.  This is repetition because it is 48     pieces of origami paper each folder the same way put together. I put each "ball" on the same piece of wire and made triangles to put at each end to hold it all together. I got this idea after playing with a much bigger version of origami. I feel like I did really well on each ball, even though they are easy to make. The thing I would redo is the colors of the triangles instead of leaving them white. Thanks for reading.       

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Mountain Drop

This is my Mountain Marble Drop. I started this by myself after leaving another  group. I kinda got this idea from thinking about one of those games where your goal is to get the ball up a mountain without it falling. The part I found the most difficult was working out all of the points it would stop or fall off. Each time I would fix one thing the marble drop would malfunction, until it just all went together. This whole project is made of cardboard and hot glue, with some toothpick fencing. The only thing I would consider changing is the brown paint because I didn't like the way the color came out. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Baking Clay-bad

 This I kinda like fan art turned pressure and repetition. When I started this project all I could think about is the finale of Breaking Bad. To completely understand stand the art you have to understand Walter (main character) was under pressure to make money for his family before he died.  So that's why I used money to make the sides for repetition.  What I know I did good on in this project was  making Walters face. If I were to do this again I would spend more time on the money sides. Thanks for reading.

New way-relief

This is my relief piece. A call it "a New Way". My medium is a book. This was very challenging, because the only tool I could use was an exacto knife. If I were to redo this piece I would probably use clay because it would have been a lot easier.  I didn't really finish this piece because I didn't  glue everything together because each time I would try it would get really warped. So it freaked me out so I stopped gluing it. Thanks for reading

Monday, November 4, 2013

Landy art

   Land art is the use of the land to make art. My piece is called "the Monster Tree". I choose to do this because I remembered I walked by this tree a few times thinking it had the best spot for a face. And as soon as miss Sudkamp told us we were doing land art I knew what I was doing. If I were to do anything different I probably would find some sticks that looked like arms, and gave it arms. Thanks for reading

Friday, October 25, 2013

That's fishy

This is my strange fish. In order to do this I used 3 pinch pot. The class was required the use of 2 but I'm an over achiever. Thanks for viewing